
  1. Hepatitis B immunization at 12 hours after birth. DPT immunization at 4 and 8 weeks*; oral polio immunization also at 4 and 8 weeks, again at 3 months.  Schedule now being changed; children will receive 2 doses of live attenuated oral polio and 2 doses killed polio; oral polio can cause disease; only killed polio is used in Europe.
  2. Because of great decrease in cell-mediated immunity (CMI) in infants, the vaccines lower CMI further; one decreases CMI by 50%; two together by 70%. Longest safety trial of of the triple vaccine (MMR, all live attenuated viruses) was three weeks.
  3. Repeated immunizations with 3 vaccines simultaneously, e.g., pneumococcus, hemophilus, etc. from 4 weeks to 12 or 18 months. Repeat DPT is given at 12 months.* All these triple vaccines markedly impair CMI.
  4. Resultant decrease in CMI predisoposes to recurrent viral infections, especially otitis media, since CMI controls response to viruses (also fungi [e.g., Candida], parasites [e.g., leishmaniasis], mycobacteria [e.g., tuberculosis, even if drug resistant, and leprosy].
  5. When infections occur, bacterial cultures rarely performed, yet infants repeatedly given antibiotics. Antibiotics are of asbsolutely no help in viral infections; in some countries, antibiotic administration without a prior cultutre is considered malpractice.
  6. Antibiotics wipe out helpful bacteria in the gut (e.g., lactobacilli, bifidobacteria) which have important protective functions, including prevention of infection by yeast, pathogenic bacteria, and/or parasites. The protection is provided in part by the helpful bacteria clinging to the intestinal cell wall, thus preventing pathogenic microorganisms from getting to it. The pathogenic bacteria compete with the body for vitamin B-12 and perhaps other vitamins and minerals.
  7. After helpful bacteria wiped out, Candida usually develops. Candida produces toxin. However its main deleterious effect is avid binding of coenzyme q10, usually at barely adequate levels in the diet of normals to begin with, to a far greater extent than by normal tissues. Candida is not the cause of increased intestinal permeability, except in rare instances, since substances passing into the body enter via the small intestine (jejeunum) whereas Candida is almost always confined to the large intestine ( but if present in jejeunum, can be life-threatening).
  8. The Candida infection is usually treated with ketoconazole or similar anti-yeast antibiotic.
  9. Ketoconazole and similar compounds impair patient's liver function as shown by liver detoxification profile. This could also be a factor in increased intestinal permeability, because the liver also synthesizes the J piece (joining piece) that binds two molecules of IgA antibodies together to form secretory IgA, which protects the intestinal tract from a variety of damaging agents; severe diminution of secretory IgA predisposes to increased intestinal permeability. Furthermore, since the blood vessels from the colon go directly to the liver via the enterohepatic circulation, the various toxins from microorganisms and undigested food in the colon go directly to the liver and impairs the latter's detoxification mechanisms and its production of enzymes. (The liver produces the vast majority of the hundreds of different body enzymes necessary for normal metabolism.).
  10. Decrease in production of the liver enzymes (phosphosulfotransferase and cytochrome p450 family) causes failure to break food proteins (including gluten and casein) into peptides. The intact proteins cross into circulation, and antibodies** are formed against them. The antibodies complex with the antigen to form antigen-antibody complexes, that in turn can enter various organs and seek out cells with receptors for antigen-antibody complexes, e.g., cells of the joints (causing arthritis), muscles (causing myalgia), or brain (causing cognitive dysfunction).

*DPT immunization in inbred mice has been shown to result in decrease synthesis of cytochrome p450 and of phosphosulfotransferase and of the messenger RNA's necessary for their production. 

**If antibodies are not detectable, this may be due to immune complex in antigen access.


  1. The law states that infants with immune defects should not receive immunizations. But no pediatricians test for immune deficiency before giving immunizations. They are always given out of convenience for pediatricians at well-baby follow-ups at 4 and 8 weeks in this country.
  2. Defer Rubella vaccine in males completely, in females defer until age when menses begins. Rubella is only a mild disease in the developed countries, with mild fever and "spots" for three days. Reason for females taking it a menses is because if Rubella occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy the child will develop severe congenital defects starts to prevent congenital defects. If administered during first or second trimester do not give to women for at least 2½ years following delivery of last child, as the vaccine virus is present in respiratory secretions for seven days and can cause disease.
  3. Defer other immunizations until age 4 (except for tetanus and diphtheria toxin [?] which should be given at 2½ years).
  4. Obtain IgG antibody titers from cord blood to all vaccines currently in use and store away a sample of serum so they can be tested for vaccines which will be introduced later (we are introducing 1-2 new immunizations each year). If any of the IgG antibody to DPT, MMR, polio (and in the British Commonwealth countries 16 Coxsackie viruses), get IgM on infant from the stored serum (divided into 2 parts), and the mother, father and the sib of closest age should be tested for IgG and IgM antibodies to the relevant virus.
  5. Do not take influenza vaccines or other new vaccines. Ask the physician if the vaccine bottle contains mercury (thiomerol or alum [which boosts the response to various immunizing agents]). Also ask physician to obtain vaccines free of these. Repeat injections of these agents can cause all kinds of immunologic aberrations.
  6. Nurses in newborn nurseries should not receive rubella vaccine. Rubella immunization of nurses in Philadelphia 12 years ago, because of several cases of rubella in newborn infants, resulted in a micro-epidemic of CFIDS.