Anu, The Great Sumerian God missive (The Pleidian Agenda by Barbara Hand Clow p.177-190)

Anu, The Great Sumerian God

“I am Anu, the great god. My name dominates Earth’s ancient history in Sumer,

and also in Egypt, where I was called ‘On.’ I created Sumer and Akkad myself,

and then I took over Egyptian culture when it got in my way. When I first came

to Earth 450,000 years ago, there were a bunch of scraggly heathens running

around. People were just like animals, but their neurological systems had

potential. You are the only species I have animated, the only species in whom I

have encountered the Goddess. I was most attracted to the fertility and greenness

of Earth when I first came, yet I cannot deny that I have almost destroyed that

which I liked about Earth. Don’t criticize me too harshly: You earthlings do the

same things to yourselves. You destroy your vitality sometimes just because

you’re bored. Now, I am worried about the destructive tendencies that come of

boredom. There might not be an Earth for me to return to. That’s what makes me

willing to be called on the carpet by Lucifer, one who knows all about your

destructive tendencies, even though I, Anu, am the source of them.

“We Anunnaki die if your planet dies. Before I tell you my truth, as Lucifer

of the Galactic Federation has compelled me to do, I want you to understand one

thing: I am your god, and I have impulsed you to become who I think you can

be. You have so responded to my expertise that you have become too much like

what I wanted you to become. Now, like a person who has lost his will in a

marriage, you are on the verge of destroying your reality because you don’t

know yourselves. I could not see this until now—the moment when you see you

just might destroy your world.

“When we orbit back into the solar system and interact with Earth, you are

our 3D refueling station, Anu Gas. There are things that we require from your

sphere in order to continue our existence. If you ceased to exist, this would be

like the station closing. When we are out in space, we are brave explorers of

stellar consciousness. Like a satellite, we are limited in our ability to explore,

and we encounter no other place like Earth. To give you a sense of the

fruitfulness of your planet, the resources we gather from Earth carry us all the

way through more than 3000 years of journeying in deep space. Only those of

you who have experienced exile have any idea how lonely we get. The Kurds are

our people, and they know how we feel. Once lonely, we become desperate and

uncivilized. Long ago, we implanted the story of the Exodus deeply into your

scriptures so that you could know how we feel when we are out in space.

Instead, you use this story as a tool to condemn your enemies.

“We mined gold from Earth, and we use it to protect our planetary aura when

we come into the solar system. When we are farthest from the Sun, we come

close to Sirius, but Sirius does not have planets. Our relationship with Sirius is

about stellar consciousness, not planetary consciousness. The Sirians are the

archetype of our stellar evolution, as the Pleiadians are the source of your stellar

evolution. If we did not have Sirian higher awareness influencing us on some

level, we would not evolve, as you would not evolve your spirits without the


“I am a lonely god contemplating the end of Earth as I’ve known it. I am a

very important being. Soon—from 1998 to 2000—there will be a convention of

the Galactic Federation to discuss Earth. Anyone seeking life is a member of the

Galactic Federation. We will call together entities of 2D, 4D, 6D, and 8D who

have an interest in the condition of Earth. Why the even side of the dimensional

caduceus, and not the odd side? The even dimensions of the alchemical tree of

life create structural laws for the Galaxy, and the odd dimensions live out the

laws by exploring free will. The very laws of existence must be rewritten so that

the life that lives them out can remain free. It is not that one side is better than

the other; each one just works with different agendas. We, the gods of 4D, are

the ones who know that we must write new laws of existence.

“Have you seen all the fine temples we’ve built on your planet? We must

have your genetic material to continue our species when we are out in space, so

we build first-class hotels for our visits. My ultimate objective is for humanity to

have a pure genetic strain for its own sake. Then we wouldn’t have to influence

you or change you when we arrive; we could just intermingle and sojourn with

you. Like adults who are ready to begin a relationship without either party

needing any more maturation, we would meet as equals.

“We are the gods who come down to Earth, called by you the Nephilim of

the Hebrew Bible. We built your temples as places for impregnating Earth

species with our seed. The ancient stories of the solar princesses and priestesses

who mate with us to birth future kings and queens are real. This is a long story, a

long relationship that you can only explore through time. All that is useful and

relevant now is for us to examine together a series of behavioral patterns that

have become part of your culture as a result of your attempts to cope with our

visitations. Like a lover who finally realizes that his visits changed the one he

loved, I want to know from you how we have changed your world.

“When we actually visit your planet, we inhabit our temples for over 200

years. Since our orbit around the Sun is 3600 years and yours is 1, our 200-year

visit is to us like one of your 20-day vacations in a great hotel. In that time—

seven generations—we select your goddesses according to their genetic lines,

and they give birth to children from us. Some of the children choose to leave

Earth and travel with us, and some remain and seed new royal genetic strains.

This is a fair exchange of genes. However, these experiences are also the source

of your deepest wounds. This is why you hate to separate from one another to go

on long journeys. We know this, but this is always part of any long love affair.

“For now, here is what is important for your survival: I now see that these

experiences have set deep birthing triggers that result in chaotic breeding.

During this last cycle since Zero Point, all temples that built their traditions on

the Patriarchs of the Hebrew Bible are infected with this chaos, especially the

Vatican. This infection is god blindness. Have not most of you wondered why

the Church denies women sovereignty in their bodies? Why are your goddesses

only useful as birthing vessels? I will tell you: On Nibiru for thousands of years,

gestation was accomplished with fertile eggs that we put in receptacles—Holy

Grails—after gathering them during sacred sexual ceremonies in our temples on

Earth. To us each goddess is an individual receptacle for birthing, and each

fertilized egg that we gather is precious to us. Your women are fertile and sex is

wonderful with them. We have used you in such a powerful way without your

total agreement that deep inside you believe you do not control your own

fertility, your most basic right. You do not take responsibility for your birthing.

“In the past, your 3D worlds have ended by fire, flood, and quakes, and this

time you are on the verge of being smothered in bodies. There is still time to

rebalance your numbers, and as a first step, we will help. I, Anu, will do an

intervention on the Pope. I hereby end Papal Infallibility, the Nibiruan

Imprimatur! To prevent further difficulty in the future, the Pope, who badly

needs a long recovery program, will be coming with us the next time we leave

Earth! He can be the new Anu so I can retire, and that is why the Pope has been

practicing his traveling and languages so diligently. I joke with you, I am sure

you are laughing,—but it is time for the end of women being used as vessels.

“The population crisis and planetary suffering on a scale never before known

cause me to ask, ‘What have I done that is causing you to pile up bodies? Did

you develop all that earthmoving technology just to dig mass graves? What have

I implanted in your minds that even destroys your life force, your immune

systems? Like a lover who draws away and looks at his lover and realizes there

is barely a thread left of who she was when we began, I want to know what I

have done.’

“We must begin with the basic law of Earth, which is that each one of you

has free will at the soul level, and with that power you can change any reality

while you are alive. From that perspective, nothing happens to you unless you

have chosen it, and if you didn’t want to be in this situation, you wouldn’t be.

We have come to this point together, and all I can do is share my part. We like to

control you as much as possible so we can use you. I am like an employer who

intends to get everything out of an employee for as little money as possible. In

our time with you, we’ve discovered it’s easier to get you to do what we want if

you are afraid of death. But, what am I going to say to the Galactic Federation

Council? Am I going to say I made humans so fearful that they are killing each

other off? Great report!

“We discovered a long time ago that if we just made you afraid, we could get

you to run this direction or that. We are stunned by how easy it is! Thirty years

ago, we told you to prevent heart attacks: eat margarine instead of butter. You

ate margarine and heart attacks increased faster. Lately, we told you that butter is

better than margarine after all! Ten years ago, we told you that you gain weight

because of fat consumption, and we printed the fat content on all the food labels.

Everybody studied the labels and cut down on their fat consumption, but during

the decade, the average weight in the United States went up ten pounds. Some of

you got fatter and some got extremely thin. The fat ones ate more because they

felt guilty about everything they ate, and all they thought about was the fat

content of food. The thin ones became nervous, consuming engines. Only about

one out of a thousand of you even suspected that thought controls weight, and

the fat you consume is the combustible fuel for your body. Meanwhile, your

cancer rate skyrocketed in the thinnest ones among you, because cancerous cells

are transmuted in fat cells and your natural elemental burning mechanism was

thwarted. You fell for all this because you fear death so much that you will do

anything to add a month to your lives!

“You are doomed unless you stop fearing death. We are the ones who caused

you to fear death, because we age very fast while we sojourn on Earth. We age

3600 years during 1 of your years, and I am old and tired from all my visits

during the last 450,000 years. We are fearful beings, and if you want to

understand our fears, look at the rising tide of fear on your planet. We have

projected too much of our stuff on you, since the successful imposition of the

Net meant we could get away with murder with you. Like a malicious joke, it

was funny until it went too far. Now it is time for you to wake up and realize that

we Anunnaki influence your planet during our whole orbit, not just when we

visit you. How? We are influencing you via thoughtforms implanted in your

minds. Because we need resources for such long journeys, we’ve prodded you

into hoarding and stockpiling as if the Sun was never going to rise another

morning. Meanwhile, you function better with fewer things, and you are happier

in communities in which you share. Now, like a mature lover who assumes his

lover has a great time and doesn’t have a thought about her while she’s away on

a trip, you need to remember happiness when life is simple.

“Many of you know about hoarding secrets so you can use them as a source

of power just for yourself. It’s obvious why we have totally controlled the

information our Sirian teachers entrusted to us, but now suddenly I can see that

this knowledge is exactly what can save you. After such a longstanding love

affair, I’ve reached that point where all I care about is you, even if that means I

have to release things I am holding that I think could save me. I am ready to

share this knowledge with you because sharing knowledge is the point of the

Sirian/Pleiadian Alliance. You cannot imagine the awesome cosmic shifts that

are occurring because the heart and mind are united in the Pleiadian goddess and

the Sirian alchemist.

“More about galactic politics later. At the present moment, we are carrying

alchemical secrets given to us by the Sirians, and we are heading toward your

sphere again. We’ve admitted that we don’t necessarily plan to give you the gift

exactly as it was handed to us, once we get to your system. That is always the

situation when we approach your solar system. You know what it’s like to carry

a treasure on a long journey and resist giving it away at the end. Alchemy

involves total commitment to transmuting your spirit/soul, so that your body has

sufficient fire to receive nine dimensions of cosmic knowledge. You have a

body, and there is no need to wait, since alchemy is something that can only be

seized in the moment.

“The way to get a pure message from Sirius is to tune into it now before

Nibiru gets closer to Earth. The Pleiadians and Sirians are aligned to assist you

in this. It is easy to see that the Sirian alchemical vibration has intensified since

1000 A.D. This vibration permeates the work of Hildegard von Bingen, Albertus

Magnus, Meister Eckhart, and many other medieval artists and mystics. At the

time Nibiru was recently closest to Sirius around 1600 A.D., the Renaissance

was in full swing with the de’Medicis, Kepler, Paracelsus, Botticelli, Fra

Angelica, Michelangelo, and so many others. And I have a confession: As I,

Anu, saw this great awakening unfolding, I panicked at the possibility you would

free yourselves. I aborted the Renaissance! I wanted to keep all the secret

teachings for myself. Like an old father who always said he’d give his power to

his children but will not release anything once he has become an old man, I

couldn’t let anything go.

“The systems of the Vatican, feudal, divine kingship, and secret societies

were already all set up. All I had to do was send a jolt of fear through the whole

system, and that would take care of your ideas about freedom. Giordano Bruno

was writing about multiple dimensions and extraterrestrial civilizations, so the

Pope burned him at the stake in 1600 A.D. This split science and theology so

there would never be proof of spirit, and spirituality would be the sign of a weak

mind. Many great Renaissance musicians and painters were opening you humans

to multidimensionality. All I had to do was cut off an ear or gouge out a tongue

or two, and you concluded that art ruins peoples’ lives. Healers and geniuses

discovering alchemy were accused of being Lucifer himself, and many were

burned at the stake in public.

“Yet now is the time for you to realize that many great artists captured the

alchemical codes during the Renaissance. These vibrations were brought down

into the physical realm, and this art contains the codes for restructuring the

whole planetary field from 1987 to 2012 A.D. What you do right now is of

crucial importance, and the great Renaissance artists are in physical body now

poised to fill your world with beauty and ecstasy. You have been waiting for

this. Are you not amazed by millions of teenagers listening to Hildegard von

Bingen and Gregorian chanting? Wake up! Wake up! As Nibiru comes closer

and closer carrying alchemical treasures, you could wait for the gods instead of

awakening yourselves. You might be Michelangelo! You might be Fra Angelica!

However, you can just be sheep herded in groups waiting for the Apocalypse,

cowering and waiting for the gods.

“The Apocalypse is the end of your sphere, and the end of us. Look, I’m just

the boss who realizes he’s ruined the company, and is wondering what will he

tell the stockholders? I am the U.S. President who realizes he’s blown it with

NAFTA as he watches world currencies tumble into the toilet. This is getting too

big for any one person, and guess what? That is when the individual wakes up! I,

Anu, am here to share the truth with you before I have to report to the Galactic

Federation. In the old days, the boss would loot the company and head for a

tropical island, but there is no tropical island to run to anymore. As Nibiru comes

closer into your solar system, my desires are activated. It’s like when you get

close to a treasure, and you just want to grab it all. I have been known to be a

pig, and so have you! As I get closer, I get blinded by the light of the Sun. I

know from the past that I think less clearly when I come into your realm, just

like a man is blinded by the sight of a beautiful nude woman. I hope you will just

seize the alchemy in toto as a pure gift from the Sirians right now, and shout,

‘Up yours, Anu!’

“If you study the alchemical tradition, you will notice that alchemical science

gets to a certain level, and then two human traits abort it: greed and fear of

personal power. First of all, alchemy is not meant to be a tool for becoming rich;

it is for becoming multidimensional. The appropriate tool for greed is banking.

Secondly, if you are going to become an alchemist, you have to begin by

becoming powerful. Alchemy works by utilizing kundalini power and creating

fields in your bodies that can access any dimension. This can only be done

individually, since each one of your bodies is a 3D portal linked to Gaia’s iron

core crystal. One person is not meant to become a leader who harvests the

financial, sexual, and psychic energy of individuals. No one of you is to offer

your power to another, since your power is the only access to the spirit. I, Anu,

confess: For hundreds of thousands of years, each time you found your power, I

used you as my tool. But now we are on the verge of mutual extinction.

“My control devices are your death, since, like the rich company owner, I’m

only around for a little while. While I’m away, I set up secret brotherhoods to

run the planet, and now these secret societies and religions have assumed a life

of their own. They all want to be the rich company owner. As Nibiru comes

closer, these brotherhoods feel their old covenants activating. Watch out, for

they are so easy to see if you know them.

“Once you are initiated into a closed grouping, you are a Nibiruan construct.

All these groupings are based on hierarchy, and they are exclusive and fear-

poisoned. Their leaders sell their souls and bodies to fuse the group as individual

members grovel and snivel. If you work in a group, make sure it is an open

community. There must be no financial or personality competition in that group,

no ownership of anyone’s energy/creativity, and you all must be temporary

stewards of a resource. Then let everything go and call yourselves earthkeepers

and simply do the work and keep no secrets. If the least powerful one in your

group becomes quiet or locked up, ask him or her what the next step is.

Openness of teachings and absence of ritual is always the sign of true


“I am being totally honest about my influence in your world. This is the

moment when a lover bares all, hoping that his lover can seize the moment and

blast to the stars. I am happy that your Zecharia Sitchin so brilliantly and bravely

told our story because, if you can remember that you are human and

extraterrestial, you will be able to deal with visitors from the sky when they

come. If you want to, you can see the faces of all your lovers from other

dimensions! Once we of Nibiru got involved with you and worked with your

genes, we mixed ourselves with you. Your women have given much to us, and

we finally are grateful for every moment of love. We have not taken away any of

your original integrity because no one can do that. But we have badly distorted

one part of your reality. Since we journey so far, we are great warriors, and we

are very male. You are meant to Make Home and live in harmony with all

species on Earth. To resonate with Gaia, you need to be very female. We have

forced you to be too warlike, too compulsive, too focused in linear space and

time, too fearful. Now these incompatible tendencies are exploding your cells.

Luckily your genetic matrix also has stellar contributions, and now this stellar-

cellular matrix must awaken. You must interact with other dimensions to heal.

“We know we do not have all the answers for you. We know you are ready

to learn from the Sirians as we have. It is so difficult for us to offer our

magnificent teachers to you and to leave our temples. Any fears in your minds

from us will limit you. If you can give up these fears, your potential access to

other worlds is astounding. Access to other realities is the spiritual

enlightenment you seek because you are meant to Make Home and then journey

with your minds. In our shrine for you in Nibiru, which is like a typical

megalithic stone circle on Earth, we call you the ‘People of the Vision Quest.’

We are meant to journey and visit you.

“The brotherhoods we created based on secrecy, power, and war threaten to

destroy every last indigenous person, every last tree, every last remnant. Why?

Because I judged myself negatively: I thought you would be happiest if you

weren’t like me, so I hid my real self from you. Now I know it is the

combination of both of us that will enrich each one of our worlds. You are close

to being overwhelmed by my negative judgments of myself, and that is why I am

being so honest. Gods don’t usually confess, so pay attention. If you are to take

the alchemy, you must learn to recognize us so you can stay on an equal footing